Monday, May 19, 2008

Tonight I cut all the poles to the right height...

I worked Saturday night till about 11:00 pm in the moon light and then I took this pictures.

Squaring up the footing...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Step 1. Post

Dan and his family came out for the weekend and ended up staying an extra day so we put all the post in.

First two poles..

Every one wanted to help.

I had such a hard job.

Now time to set the poles

The ladies "supervised"

Look at those muscles!

Even the baby helped.

Dan had to leave before we where done but I was able to get them all set before the rain.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Clean up.

Carl Ben and I cleaned up all the metal and took it to the junkyard and got over $120 for it. :D Then our neighbor came over with his dump truck and bobcat and loaded up all the hay, junk, metal, nails, and the rest of the summer kitchen and hauled it away at no charge. :D He also smoothed it out for me. God is good!

They say you could see the flames from Rolla.

The Fire Department came out and helped save the summer kitchen. We where able to save some stuff out of the kitchen, but everything else was lost.


Here are some pictures of my barn before it burned.